Thursday, February 25, 2010

Supreme Commander 2 - DEMO

Play Supreme Commander 2 Demo

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
    • Processor: 3.0 GHz or better, AMD or Intel CPU
    • Memory: 1GB RAM (XP) 1.5GB RAM (Vista / Win 7)
    • Graphics: 256 MB VRAM with Pixel Shader 3.0
    • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0
    • Hard Drive: 4-5 GB for full install & DirectX
    • Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required
    • Other requirements: Internet Connection with Cable / Broadband
    • OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
    • Processor: 2.6 GHz or better, Dual Core AMD or Intel CPU
    • Memory: 2GB RAM (XP) 2GB RAM (Vista / Win 7)
    • Graphics: 256 MB VRAM DX9 compliant with Pixel Shader 3.0
    • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0
    • Hard Drive: 4-5 GB for full install & DirectX
    • Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Emag - extra garantia de retur

Din cand in cand se intampla ca unele magazine din Romania sa aiba initiative interesante daca e sa ne raportam la tara noastra , sau din perspectiva vestului - initive normale si de bun simt

De revelion a fost o tentativa de promotie din partea Emag care a esuat lamentabil. Se facea ca la anumite categorii de produse se ofereau discounturi extrem de atractive , dar trebuiau comandate intr-un palier orar extrem de mic si mai ales de revelion. Nu stiu cati au stat sa verifice site-ul si au sperat ca o sa-si cumpere ceva din "gama de produse selectate" dar pot spune ca am incercat site-ul de 3 ori din 2 retele diferite si daca mergea era foarte lent iar in rest statea. Am inteles ca au fost destui vizitatori, dar asta se poate trece cu vederea, in schimb promotia care a devenit in timpul noptii un produs greu vandabil / categorie de produse a fost o prostie si a sters bila alba pentru respectiva bula de normalitate.

Poate ca sa-si mai spele din pacate, Emag s-a hotarat sa lanseze campania :
'ExtraGarantie de Retur de la eMAG’ care se lauda cu mesajul ca se pot returna produsele de care nu suntem satisfacuti total. Cam asa arata si partea scrisa cu litere mici din campanie :  

Conform legislatiei in vigoare, renuntarea la cumparare este aplicabila doar clientilor persoane fizice.

Astfel, consumatorul are dreptul sa notifice in scris comerciantului ca renunta la cumparare, fara penalitati si fara invocarea unui motiv, in termen de 10 zile lucratoare de la primirea produsului sau, in cazul prestarilor de servicii, de la incheierea contractului.

Renuntarea la cumparare in termen de 10 zile se poate aplica doar pentru produsele livrate prin curier.
Produsul returnat trebuie sa fie in aceeasi stare in care a fost livrat (in ambalajul original cu toate accesoriile, cu etichetele intacte si documentele care l-au insotit). Cheltuielile de returnare vor fi suportate de client iar rambursarea contravalorii produsului se va face in cel mult 30 de zile de la retur.
Daca produsul este returnat intr-o stare in care nu mai poate fi vandut ca si nou, ne rezervam dreptul de a solicita o taxa pentru readucerea in stadiul initial (daca este posibil) sau pentru a acoperi diferenta de pret rezultata din vanzarea produsului ca second-hand sau, la optiunea clientului, ii vom reexpedia produsul, pe cheltuiala acestuia.
Acesta clauza se aplica conf. O.G. 130/2000, in cazul achizitionarii de produse din acest site folosind tehnicile de comunicare la distanta, aplicandu-se definitiile cuprinse in O.G. 130/2000 art. 2 lit.e.

Ce nu este mentionat foarte bine este perioada in care este disponibila aceasta "extra optiune" si anume : "Valabilitate
ExtraGarantia de Retur este oferita in termenii initiali pentru o perioada limitata, pentru achizitiile realizate intre 8 februarie - 30 aprilie 2010."

Eu inca sper intr-o normalizare a pietii in Romania , care sa insemne nu numai produse de top dar si servicii similare. iN strainatate nu este nevoie de o campanie ca sa returnezi produsul in 30 de zile, si ce nu stie multa lume este ca si in Romania in legile privind comertul electronic se prevede exact ce ofera Emag-ul acum pt. 30 de zile ( legislatia obliga la 10 zile ) . Deci practic se primesc 20 de zile de extra returnare daca e sa fim extrem de matematicieni 

Router passwords

you have a router and lost the manual and/or CD, than this is the place to get the password for the default setup


An Absinthe Brouilleur is an authenic Absinthe accessory. You can buy it in our Absinthe shop Santé!

get to and buy some absinthe, the games will look better after it :) 


visit this site :
How would combat change if you could foresee the future? If you could prevent your past mistakes from ever happening? What if your enemy could too?

Achron is the first game to feature single-player and multiplayer free-form time travel. It is the world's first meta-time strategy game, a real-time strategy game where players and units can jump to and play at different times simultaneously and independently.

Achron is now available for pre-order for $29.95 (Press Release). Those who pre-order can download the current release and will receive further early playable demos, mod tools, and more .

pay a preorder of the game, and play in the network. This might be the next great hit in the gaming industry 

good luck

Building templates - micromanagement improved

Building templates are a new facility in Supreme Commander :forged alliance, which helps ease the headache of the player when it comes to building complex structures. The need to pre-plan and correctly position the structures is huge due to several factors like adjacency bonuses, mutual protection, as well as need to keep your base as compact as possible so that it comes under the influence of protective structures like point defenses, AA defenses, shield generators/stealth field generators, tactical/strategic missile defenses etc. However, in an already frantic game play in which you have to control and micromanage around 200 individual units and simultaneously manage and protect your complex economy, you often get very little time to sit and think about how to effectively utilize the available terrain and bring up the best building formations that would give you maximum economical or tactical advantages. Here is where the building templates come into play."

more images and text on that page

preview starcraft2

The new game is almost over and you can see "a preview" in the form of the replays posted by lucky "winners" of the beta invites

Here you can get an idea about what you need to modify in order to get access to the game menu, and the ppl there appear to update their site pretty regular

good luck